
Democracy, Trust, and Empowerment at Galvanize Together

The Galvanize Together community is really growing—it now has over 225,000 active subscribers! This exciting number means that 225,000 women are receiving inspirational texts from Dear Grace, getting In Focus video clips delivered right to their phones, and joining in with their own thoughts and questions to build up their civic agency.

Now that we’ve launched an influencer program and taken on some great new partners, our community is growing even faster; we’re up to nearly 2,000 new friends each day! Head over to @galvanize_together on Instagram to see what some of our community ambassadors are up to, then come back here for an update on the community at large.

Heatmap of Galvanize Together subscribers, showing most members are in Texas, Florida, Ohio, and the rest of the Rust Belt

Galvanize Together got started in the Rust Belt, but now our community has members in all 50 states! It’s exciting to see how our community has spread across the map.

Whether our members live in rural Wyoming or New York City, we’ve been coming together to talk about neighbors, community, and trust this summer. Most recently, members weighed in on a survey that ties neighborhood trust to local election volunteers: those poll workers are your neighbors! 

Take the quiz yourself if you’d like to see what our members saw.

Pie chart showing that most members are 35-49 (35%) then 50-64 (34.2%) then 65 and older (16%) and then the youngest bloc at under 34.

If you’ve ever wondered about the average age of our community, take a look at this pie chart. Most Galvanize Together subscribers are between 35 and 64, but younger and older demographics are really well represented too.

This diversity is particularly rewarding when it comes to intergenerational opportunities: we all have a lot to learn from one another! That’s especially true when it comes to terminology and speaking about people with respect as our society continues to change. Our community recently discussed generational differences in how we talk about others, especially members of the LGBTQ+ community.

About 71% of those who responded agree they’ve updated how they talk about others in recent years, which is great!

To see what else our community is learning (and teaching others!) about gender diversity, watch this clip from one of this summer’s community conversations. 

You don’t need a chart to know that the Galvanize Together community is mostly made up of women!

That means conversations about women’s healthcare:

And women’s reproductive freedom:

It also means coming together as women to have courageous conversations and speak up for ourselves and others. When Grace asked how our community responds to seeing sexism in the wild, a staggering 75% of members said they speak up and address it! Here are just a few of the stories of courage and conviction women shared with us this August:

“Honestly, it’s mostly on social media. If people comment on or post memes that are sexist, I ask them things like “would you say that if it were a man?” I’m pretty done with the ‘old boys club’ way of doing things.”

“Well I have never held a public platform to speak up on a mass media scale, however whenever I’m met with things of this nature in the media, I make sure to share them with my friends on social media to educate them and to make sure they see it. All too often, women are overlooked and take the backseat to men and I think it’s due time we had some representation.”

“I’ve become more and more outspoken the older I’ve gotten. I’m willing to talk about what to most folks is too uncomfortable. If we don’t talk about that which is uncomfortable, then we won’t grow as a people and become comfortable talking about important issues. Women are an integral part of our society and need to be respected and recognized for their talents, skills and ability to be strong leaders!”

Read more and share your own story of sexism-busting empowerment on the Galvanize Together website!