Galentine’s Day and the Power of Friendship
Our digital community, Galvanize Together, is all about women coming together to figure out life and build each other up. A bright spot of positivity in the new media landscape, we love to see how much our audience cares about women supporting women. What better time to celebrate the power of friendship between women than Galentine’s day?

This year Galvanize Together hosted a Galentine contest to celebrate the transformative power of friendships between women. We asked our community to write in with stories about their own “Galentine,” and more than 2,800 women sent in submissions telling us why their best friend is their rock.
You can see the winner over at Galvanize Together: Katelynne’s story about Catherine was so full of hope! Both of our Galentines won a gift card for sharing about their awesome, inspirational friendship.
We read so many incredible stories that it was hard to pick just one! The stories of opposites attracting, friendships transcending time and space, love between mothers and daughters, and of everyday women doing incredible acts of kindness for their friends really show off the power of friendships between women. Check out a few more of our team’s favorites:

Zaytey met Lilian freshman year of high school. When Lilian was diagnosed with cancer, she and Zaytey shaved their heads together, took a break from school, and played a lot of two-person card games together in the hospital. After Lilian was cleared (yay!), the pair started college together and are working toward enrolling in the same program.
“She is honestly the best friend I could’ve ever asked for and I am grateful everyday that I’m lucky enough to have a friend like her, next August we’ll have been friends for 7 years.”
Lauryn met Kristy during a challenging time in sober living over ten years ago. They were both navigating their own struggles and striving for a better future. In those early days, they formed a deep bond and supported each other through the ups and downs of recovery. Not only has Kristy been a stand up friend for years, but she also delivered Lauryn’s youngest daughter, a testament to their love and trust.
“The love and care she shows extend beyond our friendship; she has become a cherished part of my life and my children’s lives. Together, we’ve celebrated milestones, overcome obstacles, and built a beautiful friendship that I know will last a lifetime.”

Gabriela says Audrey is a light in the darkness and the sun to her moon. Gabriela is autistic and often finds herself mirroring others or hiding pieces of herself. But with Audrey, she’s free! Audrey embraces every version of Gabriela without judgment. Even when Audrey’s family moved away, Gabriella saved up every penny to visit each summer and they’ve stayed “soulfully connected” ever since.
“Audrey is my sister in every way that matters. She’s not just my best friend; she’s my soulmate. If I were a flower, she’d be the one growing beside me. Together, we’ve weathered storms and celebrated sunshine, and she will forever be the bright, shining light in my life.”
Leah’s Galentine is their 85-year-old Nana! Leah says Nana radiates joy wherever she goes and inspires her to embrace life with open arms. Leah especially loves Nana’s ability to turn every conversation into a life lesson wrapped in humor and warmth.
“Our generational gap isn’t a divide—it’s a bridge that connects us in the most beautiful ways. She’s not just my Nana or best friend; she’s my Galentine, proving that love and support between women transcends generations!”

For another sweet treat, don’t miss this month’s In Focus clip! Our In Focus community conversation centered on love, relationships, and dating this month. From boundaries to booty calls, you won’t want to miss this collection of dating advice!
To all of our Galentines and Palentines—happy Galentine’s Day to you! We hope you’re as surrounded by incredible friendships as our community is.