Photo of a barn with U.S. flag on it


In a country that feels more divided every day, we need kinder, more respectful spaces where we can talk about the issues we care about. Open-minded women from across the political spectrum are joining our community because it’s a place where we can all work on figuring it out, together.

Highlights | News

Remember the barriers that can make women shy away from civic engagement? Nearly half of women we spoke to say they feel like they can’t confidently express or defend...Read More

ONE: 50,000+ Active Dear Grace SubscribersOur refreshed community program has grown so much in just six months! Galvanize Together is now reaching over 50K women with Dear Grace columns,...Read More

We crafted a message together this month! You, our community of readers and social media followers, often share great ideas for messaging and ask if we’ve tried one approach...Read More