Several women laughing and smiling

Take a Tour of Galvanize Together!

Have you seen the newly-refreshed Galvanize Together website yet? We’ve just improved the home of our thriving digital community, so it’s the perfect time to take a tour. Let’s go! ➡️ ⬅️

Dear Grace
Dear Grace is an advice column that tackles everything from budgeting to reproductive rights to relationships. No matter the topic, Grace goes there! Women in our community have asked Grace over 2,300 questions so far. As readers follow along with Grace, they get the voyeuristic opportunity to see what she is recommending to others, consider the advice, and decide if they agree or not. Take a look at the Dear Grace homepage, where you can always see the newest advice and pose your own questions to Grace. If you keep scrolling, you can filter advice by topic, or just browse columns to your heart’s content.

Screenshot of Dear Grace homepage

Screenshot of Grace Notes post showing user-generated content

Grace Notes
Dear Grace started out as a one-way advice column, but our readers are so insightful we decided to pass the mic to them regularly!

Grace Notes is a weekly source of positivity, updates, and crowdsourced wisdom that compliments Dear Grace. Whether readers are sharing things that give them joy or offering advice to new graduates, Grace Notes is a way for women to spark a little joy and rally around the things that unite us all. 

In Focus
In Focus is where everyone can watch clips from our community conversations! We regularly invite (and compensate!) women in our community to hop on Zoom for real conversations about life’s big issues like parenting, setting boundaries, and figuring out how to pay for daycare. They’re like focus groups, except they’re facilitated by our staff team and people end up feeling truly connected by the end. The In Focus page is where you’ll see short clips from these conversations! That way the breakthrough moments reach our whole community, not just 7-10 conversation participants. Then thousands of viewers write in to tell us how they feel about what they watched! For example, a great conversation on child care we shared with our community received over 20,000 responses, with members eagerly sharing what it would mean to them to have caregiving support. See what’s new at the top of the page (answer the prompt if you want!), or scroll down to click through the whole archive.

Who doesn’t love a fun quiz or poll? We frequently ask our community how they’re feeling about things that are likely to be on their mind. Whether that means summer gardening plans, Taylor Swift headlines, or bigger issues like whether school teachers should carry guns, quizzes give our community a moment to think about what they think about today’s hottest topics.

One great example: when Alabama’s Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos count as children, the weekly quiz asked women if they’d heard the news (mostly no) and how they feel about allowing women to use IVF (mostly very supportive).

Here’s another recent example: this time it’s your turn to weigh in!

All of this fantastic content is now reaching over 150,000 subscribers. They’re reading, watching, making sense of all the big issues that affect our democracy, and they’re also writing in to tell us how much Grace makes their day. Check out a few of these text messages from readers—we love to see them!

“I look forward to hearing from you every day. Thanx”
“You’re doing wonderful and I love your different topics Ms. Grace…it brings a different mindset with what’s going on with me and other things..…thank you for being you!!!!”
“Thank you so much and sending hugs and smiling emojis”