The New Media Ecosystem
From “manosphere” podcasts to talk radio shock jocks, regressive cultural content has been filling the airwaves for decades. Rife with misogyny, racism, and fear of the other, those who seek to divide us have used harmful media ecosystems to spread their ideas for a long time. Where is the answer from the movement for progress, from the people who want to create an America where everyone can thrive? That answer is Galvanize Together, Galvanize USA’s guiding light as we connect with women in new media ecosystems. It’s a research-informed approach to building civic agency in a trusted community.
Through Galvanize Together, Galvanize USA is offering the hopeful, prosocial, pro-democracy cultural content that we believe will lead to a better country for everyone. With unique programming designed to cut through the noise, we work to inoculate our audience against divisive disinformation narratives and support them to play a role in protecting our freedoms and fundamental rights. Thanks to help from our generous supporters, the infrastructure and audience for our slice of this new media landscape is already in place. We’re ahead of the curve!
Galvanize USA has been evaluating and iterating on its digital community program for nearly 7 years now. What began as a handful of Facebook groups with volunteer moderators later evolved into a digital community with its own website and private forums.

The original Facebook group
The first iteration of Galvanize Together
Those forums paved the way for the bigger, better Galvanize Together website we all know and love now. That’s where women read Dear Grace: our advice column with a prosocial bent. Members also hear from Galvanize Together through SMS texts and through social media, where a new influencer program is bringing even more women to our door.

Now our audience is in place too! In just over a year, Galvanize Together has welcomed more than half a million community members. With a 72% retention rate and nearly 2,000 new members joining each day, this content is popular with our audience! They love the advice columns and quizzes, they keep coming back for more, and they routinely tell us just how much they appreciate the uplifting, supportive content from Galvanize Together.
That’s important because we need this audience to stay engaged with us! We want our members to keep coming back for more so they’re not tempted to check out or turn to regressive content instead. The hope, connection, and fun that Grace offers keeps women with us day after day.
Our program is already delivering cultural content that builds civic knowledge, confidence, and agency. As we prepare to scale up in 2025, Galvanize USA is ready to take on the new media landscape and connect with even MORE women to strengthen engagement and advance progress for all.