What is Civic Self-Efficacy?
Many of the women in the Galvanize USA community are already active voters, which is wonderful. But even though they’re reliably casting their ballot and making their voice heard in elections, they often tell us they’re not comfortable talking about politics in their own home. Members told us they don’t feel particularly well versed in politics, or they don’t feel confident in what they know. According to a 2019 survey, nearly half of moms even say they’re worried about “feeling stupid” when they talk about the issues. Others feel alone in their views—especially when their husband doesn’t share them. This inspires many women to stay quiet, keep the peace, and avoid ruffling any feathers—even when speaking to their closest loved ones.

We don’t want any woman to feel like that. We know that all of our voices and lived experiences as women, moms, caregivers, and workers need to be heard if we’re going to create an America that truly works for everyone. This starts with building women up so they believe in their own knowledge and civic power.

“I sometimes don’t feel smart enough or informed enough to contribute . . . But I am definitely enjoying this group . . . Thanks ladies!”
Gals Together Wisconsin Member
At Galvanize USA, we’re helping women strengthen their civic self-efficacy: confidence in their ability to affect change. Our supportive digital community allows women to show up as their full selves, share ideas, and ask questions. In this space we practice forming and expressing our opinions, challenging ourselves and others with kindness, and building each other up every step of the way.
Ultimately, our members bring that newfound civic confidence and efficacy out into their communities. Some say that means bold discussions with their spouse or friends. For others, it has meant attending their first march or caucus, or even planning to run for office! Valuing and trusting ourselves is the very first step, and our community is getting there together.

“I love the support here. I think women are here to change the world for the better!”
Gals Together Wisconsin Member